Let us introduce ourselves…
Naomi, Henry, Sara and Hazel
September 2023
Sara Truman Naomi Mostkoff
Sara and Naomi started Studio T/M in January of 2016 as their personal studio space. Over the years the studio grew, and they began taking on studio assistants and teaching classes. In the summer of 2020, Sara left her full-time teaching position at Gainesville High School to run the studio full-time. In July of 2023 the new home of Studio T/M opened just a mile and half from the original 1,000 sq. ft. studio. You can see Sara’s work at saratruman.com or follow her on Instagram @sbtruman
CR and her service dog, Keywee, 2020
Claire with her thesis work, 2021
Meghan Marvin enjoying a cup of coffee on our porch.
Jenn @ Studio T/M, 2023.
Kelly Connell, Instructor
CR Dean
CR Dean is a transplanted California sunflower pursuing her doctorate in English literature at the University of Florida, who took a ceramics class to de-stress but fell in love with the craft… and now spends all her time (spare or not) at the studio. She supports the managerial work of the studio, and aides with classes and events.
Check out her work and her service dog on her Instagram @thepettibear
Claire Lenahan
Materials specialist/Instructor
Claire Lenahan is an artist who works in a variety of mediums, currently focusing on interactive installations of pottery. Her work subtly disorients the viewer by queering western domestic conventional objects through failure, the performance of our daily actions, queer phenomenology, and social engagement. She received her MFA in Studio Art (Ceramics) at the University of Florida.
Claire teaches our Saturday classes both Introduction to Wheel Throwing and Intermediate/Independent Study Wheel. Claire is also our materials specialist mixing all your favorite studio glazes! You can see more of her work on her website https://www.clairelenahanart.com.
Meghan Marvin
Lead Instructor
Meghan is a ceramic artist from Jacksonville, Florida. She received her BFA in Ceramics from the University of Florida in 2007. She makes beautiful pots and incredible figure sculpture.
Meghan is our Lead Instructor, and teaches several wheel throwing and hand building classes a week! You can also join Meghan on Friday Night’s as your Sip N’ Spin host!
Jennifer Hartz
Jennifer Hartz is a ceramic artist from Cleveland, Ohio. Jenn took her first wheel throwing classes during the mid-1990s through the Cleveland Institute of Art Continuing Education Program. Jenn continued developing her innovative approach to ceramics as a member of the Brick Ceramic + Design Studio in Cleveland’s Waterloo Arts District. Jenn has had a long career teaching elementary and middle school science with a creative flare. While working at Hawken School she was exposed to Maker Education and learned to use many of the machines in the school maker space, including her favorite, the laser cutter. Jenn is interested in creating tools to use in the making of wheel thrown and hand built pieces. Her favorite tools to use in her own work include the laser-cut rolling pins she develops from hand drawn images.
Check out her work @jennhartzceramics
Erin Curry
I used to say that I did everything except ceramics, but now I do ceramics.
Erin is a multi-modal artist with a practice that expands interminably and indefinitely. You might find them in the pottery studio or at home making pants, you’ll never know which, unless you’re enrolled in one of their classes. One of their favorite pieces is their handmade water bottle, which is lovely to hold and handle, but caution if you’re spinning it around as it might have fluid.
Kelly Connell
Instructor & Trainer
Kelly is a materials lover with a BA in Anthropology from the University of Florida. Kelly joined our staff early on and has assisted in building the training programs for our Studio Assistants and Work Trade Members. She enjoys making both sculptural work and pottery, and began teaching Introduction to Throwing in 2023. You can catch Kelly’s class on Sunday Afternoons!
Abbey Foster
Abbey is a Gainesville native with a degree in Marketing from Mississippi State University. Abbey currently owns her own Tennis Lessons company, and makes beautiful modern dinnerware. Abbey teaches Monday evening Introduction to Wheel Throwing and is your Sip N’ Spin host on Saturday Evenings!